Shane Lazarus <> wrote:

> I was interested in what it would do by default, and in how I could alter
> those defaults if I did not like them.
> The sysupgrade man page informed me of a configuration file.

Your complaint directly referenced the configuration filename

That filename is not mentioned in the sysupgrade man page, as you just

In fact, it is mentioned nowhere.  Your following complaints are that
it is mentioned nowhere.

So which is it?

Two false claims?  I think you are foaming at the mouth because a
piece of software doesn't do what you want.

Indeed.  If you were observant, you would notice the software is designed
to do what we want, because that's what we think 99% of our user community
wants, and oddly we believe the other 1% of users (which might include you)
should want the same, and we don't care if they are temporarily outraged
(and go back to systemd)

> As other configuration files are documented, I went looking for the
> documentation for the configuration file.

Because the previous claim is false, I don't believe you.  I believe
you are attempting to constructing a narrative

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