Rachel, you could submit something to be helpful if you like, fill the gap that 
you see.   Only 60 devs and most of the man page content is incredibly up to 
date and valuable.
So I for one look forward to you adding your entry into the netstart man page 
for community review.

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, 25 October 2020 09:42, Rachel Roch <rr...@tutanota.de> wrote:

> 25 Oct 2020, 01:25 by dera...@openbsd.org:
> > Rachel Roch rr...@tutanota.de wrote:
> >
> > > Is it just me or is the man entry for netstart(8) missing a reference to 
> > > wg(4) ?
> >
> > ... and 300 other network interfaces.
> > In otherwords, no, it should not be there.
> OK smart alec, then why bother enumerating any of the non-physical interfaces 
> on the man page ? 
> Afterall, the man page does state at the head of the list "During the system 
> boot, netstart is executed. netstart performs the following operations, in 
> the sequence given". 
> There is little point giving a half-assed description.  Either you enumerate 
> ALL the non-physical interfaces, or otherwise you treat them the same way as 
> the physical ones ("Configure all the physical interfaces").
> Otherwise you are failing to explain what happens to any of your "300 other 
> interfaces".  Enumerate or don't enumerate, I don't care ... but surely it is 
> sensible to pay some reference to them.
> Sheesh !

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