On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Allie Daneman <d...@drainfade.com> wrote:
> Marti Martinez wrote:
>> Obviously none of us know WHAT you're really trying to do, so this
>> suggestion may or may not be workable for you, but in your situation
>> my preferred solution is to set up a crap machine with XP as the
>> native OS, and just use rdesktop to log in to it.
> Not an option...see I work in a unique situation. I need a laptop running XP
> that I can use to VPN into work for email,etc.

Not at all unique. I've solved this by using an OS X laptop. XP and
OpenBSD live in VMs (VMWare has better BIOS emulation but
Parallels works well also). Things like video, power management,
sleep/hibernate, and wireless all work well. When all that works
under OpenBSD I'll switch :-) I did put a puffy wireframe sticker
over the Apple though (thanks Wim).


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