Sound Source refactoring release:

We are going on circles.

We have argued three month ago that we do not want to delay 1.12 by three
month because of
merging the soundsource branch.

Than Owen has proposed, that we can do an another beta after the API is
stable. RJ has added +1
This was also a good solution to me.
So lets make it happen and let us not delay the important mp3 quality fixes
by an other year.

As already discussed, there are actually some important reasons to merge is

Mixxx main propose is to play mp3 in time and sample accurate.
The current master does not fulfill this requirement in any case.

What is the worth of the new shiny sync feature if only the visual beatgrid
is in sync after a backward seek?
This most important issue is fixed in:

I really do not want to read a MIxxx review like that: "Mixxx: nice new
features but still not usable for auto beat match"

I have grouped all the important fixes under the "soundsource" tag:

  Decoding Quality:
#1407394 waveform and transport out of sync for mp3
#580235 Stuttering at start of VBR MP3 playback
   #1156569 Change Soundsource API to reading float samples

Bad file issues:
#1444478 mp3: files with changing bitrate are playing heavily distorted
#1408100 soundsourcemp3 is clamping
   #1446931 MP3 files with varying sample rate are not supported! on Win7,
NewSoundSourceAPI <>
  #1448224 MP3: Varying number of channels within a file not supported
#1405832 wrong mp3 track duration and wrong crossfader time
#1450893 some MP3 could not loaded

  #697902 Strange Asian Characters in File Browser
  #726222 Flac files in library don't work well
  #1418083 Support YYYY-MM-DD + and any other string for year column

@Uwe: Please add bugs the, I have missed.

All reasons for a c++11 refactoring or switch to Qt5 are minor compares to
So it seams to be reasonable to fix the pending issues of the list above
plus other important 1,12 fixes,
without risk regressions by other feature branches or refactoring.

> Why would we cut a release branch for 1.13.0 when we haven't even
released 1.12.0?

Because we do not want to stop merging feature branches to master.
I if we have a common commitment not to merge features that will delay the
SS release
we can continue with the current situation. But than we will loose the
build server to verify
the new features.

I have seen the build server is working gain for master. Cant we declare
the current master build
as next beta? This way we can announce a beta phase just after releasing

I have also thought about the Version schema. What about just ditching the
point version
like Firefox and Chrome? This way we are able to publish a beta at the same
time we publish a release

Any other ideas?

Kind regards,


2015-06-03 2:16 GMT+02:00 Sean M. Pappalardo - D.J. Pegasus <>:

> On 06/02/2015 04:13 PM, Sébastien Blaisot wrote:
>> Secondly, we have some anoying bugs with windows installer that should
>> be resolved before releasing 1.12 or they will impact next version as
>> well:\
> I wonder if this is a good time to switch to using WiX to make MSI
> installers. These handle upgrades gracefully with less effort and offer
> more automation of which files to remove. Plus we can probably integrate
> WiX with SCons in such a way that SCons generates it for us as a build
> target.
> Sincerely,
> Sean M. Pappalardo
> "D.J. Pegasus"
> Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist
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