Hi Gerd,

I would expect the code to work on a MAC, because com.sun.management is part
of the JDK, and defines the interface by which specific platforms can
provide subinterfaces with further information (AFAIK there is only one for
UNIX). However, I don't have a MAC, so can't test it on there. If it is a
problem, I could take out that bit of code, which is just determining how
much physical memory is installed, so that mkgmap won't suggest that the
user increases the available heap too much. It isn't used in determining a
value for maxjobs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gerd Petermann [mailto:gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: 10 February 2018 15:45
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] max-jobs patch

Hi Mike,

I've compiled r4107 with your patch:

I did not yet try it because I am still fighting with the crash in

I am not sure if the usage of classes like
are supported with openjdk? Will this also work on a Mac?


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