I am currently in the process of transferring a database driven site from
IIS to Apache on NT using mod_perl.  Apache seems to lock up after about
10-20 minutes and the only way to get things going again is to restart
Apache (Apache is running from the console not as a service).

The site isn't particularly heavily loaded, currently handling a request
every 5-10 seconds.

I have also noticed that on some occasions (after the lock up) the
error.log contains an entry stating that one of my content handlers is not
defined, the content handler works fine until this point.  I have checked
the FAQ's etc and I am almost 100% certain that I don't have a problem with
my namespace.

When the server locks up netstat lists a number of clients who have a
TIME_WAIT status on port 8080 but these connections are not listed in

I am using Apache/1.3.9 (Win32) with mod_perl/1.21 which I downloaded in
December last year.  My worry is that there is a problem with Apache on NT
and mod_perl, given that Apache on NT is multi-threaded.

Unfortunately, I am stuck in NT due to parts of the legacy system,
otherwise I would move to Linux or FreeBSD.  If anyone can offer any
suggestions I would be most grateful as the only alternative I have is to
re-engineer the site in IIS.

If anyone has any suggestions, or would like further specific detail then
please let me know.



Matthew Robinson                        E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Torrington Interactive Ltd              W: www.torrington.net
4 Printing House Yard                   T: (44) 171 613 7200
LONDON E2 7PR                           F: (44) 171 613 7201

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