At 12:20 PM 1/17/00 +0100, Waldek Grudzien wrote:
>> I am currently in the process of transferring a database driven site from
>> IIS to Apache on NT using mod_perl.  Apache seems to lock up after about
>> 10-20 minutes and the only way to get things going again is to restart
>> Apache (Apache is running from the console not as a service).
>Well - I am using NT distribution 
>(APACHE 1.3.9 / mod_perl 1.21/ PERL 5.005_003)
>downloaded from  :
>and noticed no problem with it.
>Maybe the problem lays in your scripts (have
>you analised entry from apache log you have descibed) ?

I have just gone back and checked the logs.  The majority of the time the
server locks up without putting anything in the error log.  Currently,
there are only about 10 content handlers in the system and I am fairly
confident they work.

When it locks up I can still telnet into the server and get a connection
immediately but I don't get a response.  I have waited considerably longer
than the Timeout (60 secs) and the connections are not terminated.

On some occasions /server-status has reported that almost all of the
threads are reading (although they don't give the remote addresses).
Normally, I would expect a maximum of about 5 threads doing concurrent

I am fairly happy to accept that the problem is in my scripts but I am not
entirely sure what I am doing wrong.


>Waldek Grudzien
>University Health Care
>Lublin/Lubartow, Poland
>tel. +48 81 44 111 88
>ICQ # 20441796
Matthew Robinson                        E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Torrington Interactive Ltd              W:
4 Printing House Yard                   T: (44) 171 613 7200
LONDON E2 7PR                           F: (44) 171 613 7201

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