> > > [and assign users to the different apache]. How many Apache can
> > > I start ?
> > >
> >
> > Only a matter of your memory...
> How much apaches with mod_perl won't hurt 128 MB NT box ?
> (for application with 91 scripts and modules with summary
> PERL code 376 KB)
> (or how many RAM should I add ?)

I think you have to try it out. The code should be shared in memory, but the
data is unique for every Apache. Use NT Systemmonitor to make sure not too
much memory swaping takes place.

> It is not good news ;-(. Many fellows can choose meantime PHP instead PERL
> solutions ;o( (moreover speed charts  says PHPis a little bit faster than
> mod_perl
> http://www.chamas.com/hello_world.html)

I would give so much on these benchmarks, because it only tests the startup
time. In a real application, maybe with database access, things may look

> I like PERL so much so I wouldn't like to be forced (by boss ;o)) some day
> to
> start next web apps with PHP ;o(

Of course you are right, but somebody has to make the changes in mod_perl


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