At 01:26 PM 1/17/00 +0100, Gerald Richter wrote:
>I would suggest, put
>warn "foo" ;
>allover in your perl code and then look in the error log and see where the
>last warn came from, then you have the place where it lock up.

I added the warns to the scripts and it appears that access to the modules
is serialised.  Each call to the handler has to run to completion before
any other handlers can execute.  

I think the problem I am getting is that somebody on a slow link comes
along and effectively limits every user to run at that speed.  If I had
been more patient I would have got a response.  Once the queue of requests

Can anyone verify this to be the case.  If this is the case I will have to
go back to IIS (for the time being) as I don't have time to work around this.

If you look at the following section of the log you will see that all of
the accesses are sequential but there is a period when a number of requests
appear to be bunched up after a slowish response. Names have been changed
to protect the innocent.

[Mon Jan 17 13:48:53 2000] [warn] Module::A::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:48:53 2000] [warn] Module::A::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:48:57 2000] [warn] Module::B::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:48:57 2000] [warn] Module::B::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:49:07 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:49:29 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:49:29 2000] [warn] Module::D::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:49:29 2000] [warn] Module::D::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:49:29 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:02 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:14 2000] [warn] Module::A::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:14 2000] [warn] Module::A::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:14 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:21 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler exit
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:22 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler start
[Mon Jan 17 13:50:51 2000] [warn] Module::C::handler exit

Matthew Robinson                        E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Torrington Interactive Ltd              W:
4 Printing House Yard                   T: (44) 171 613 7200
LONDON E2 7PR                           F: (44) 171 613 7201

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