With out going into too much detail I can tell you that you have probably
discovered for yourself that mod_perl on NT only has a single perl
interpreter thread.  Try putting a proxy in front of some backend mod_perl
procs so that when Joe super-slow-connection comes along he doesn't get to
tie up that thread.  But try to get the proxy on a unix box because when I
did this on an NT machine mod_proxy was a dog.  

If you are really stuck on NT you may want to mess around with 
ActiveState's PerlEx.  I have not done anything with it myself but I 
gather that it tries to do the same thing as mod_perl.  The only 
difference being that it perlforms alot better than mod_perl does on NT 
since it isn't crippled by the single interpreter issue.


On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Matthew Robinson wrote:

> I am currently in the process of transferring a database driven site from
> IIS to Apache on NT using mod_perl.  Apache seems to lock up after about
> 10-20 minutes and the only way to get things going again is to restart
> Apache (Apache is running from the console not as a service).
> The site isn't particularly heavily loaded, currently handling a request
> every 5-10 seconds.
> I have also noticed that on some occasions (after the lock up) the
> error.log contains an entry stating that one of my content handlers is not
> defined, the content handler works fine until this point.  I have checked
> the FAQ's etc and I am almost 100% certain that I don't have a problem with
> my namespace.
> When the server locks up netstat lists a number of clients who have a
> TIME_WAIT status on port 8080 but these connections are not listed in
> /server-status.
> I am using Apache/1.3.9 (Win32) with mod_perl/1.21 which I downloaded in
> December last year.  My worry is that there is a problem with Apache on NT
> and mod_perl, given that Apache on NT is multi-threaded.
> Unfortunately, I am stuck in NT due to parts of the legacy system,
> otherwise I would move to Linux or FreeBSD.  If anyone can offer any
> suggestions I would be most grateful as the only alternative I have is to
> re-engineer the site in IIS.
> If anyone has any suggestions, or would like further specific detail then
> please let me know.
> Thanks
> Matt
> --
> Matthew Robinson                        E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Torrington Interactive Ltd              W: www.torrington.net
> 4 Printing House Yard                   T: (44) 171 613 7200
> LONDON E2 7PR                           F: (44) 171 613 7201

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