Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> For the raw benchmarks...
> OK, I finally got a little time to download and read some the hello.tar.gz.
> It's good to see TT is fairly fast. But it's a shame that the only way to
> get faster than PHP is to write a raw Mod_perl handler according to the
> benchmarks. All the other mod_perl tools seem slower.

I'm preparing a Hello World 2000 test which will test the runtime
properties of an environment.  It will be relevant to the dynamic
template environments like ASP, Mason, Embperl, TT, JSP, PHP...
early results show the oft stated perl is faster than the rest 
to be true.  More later for RFC.

> JSP seems to also blow away mod_perl and PHP (except being almost
> equivalent to mod_perl handler speed). I assume Resin is precompiling JSP
> to Java classes and that maybe the JRE you are using does some very good
> hotspot on-the-fly machine-code compiling type technology?

The IBM JDK I believe does hotspot... blow away?  The diff I see 
between mod_perl & mod_caucho JSP is .000035 sec/hit of my system
time.  Little differences seem to make a bigger impact when 
things are running this fast.  Note, resin does a lot of 
work to compile a JSP, really poor compile time, but you
won't see that in this test.

> How does this benchmark stuff compare to the tests run at

Almost identical, except the SSI test is changed to be more
fair/similar to the rest.  Note that I didn't run all those
benchmarks which is why the numbers are much different.  To
see the old results grouped by the system/who did them, 
check out:

> I notice that JSPs take quite a beating there but are running on a lower
> end machine on that set of tests. I presume the below tests are intended to
> replace the tests run on these various disparate machines.

I don't know what to do with those old benchmarks.  I might replace
them with results that come in from people running the
program.  But it takes a lot of time to set things up, so I don't
know if I'll just lose all of it.  Its a lot of data to display
in a relevant way.

> You also seem to have taken out tests? So you are no longer testing
> servlets only? It would be interesting to see if Servlet -> JSP dispatching
> (with is the recommended model of coding Java Servlets/JSPs these days)
> results in any slow down.

I never tested servlets before, that was someone else.  I could
set up a servlet test too, but I'm a java newbie, but I do think
the resin mod_caucho stuff does it too, so it should be shortly

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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