On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 09:55:39AM -0500, Blue Lang wrote:
> Eh, ab isn't really made as anything other than the most coarsely-grained
> of benchmarks. Concurrency testing is useless because it will measure the
> ratio of requests/second/processor, not the scalability of requests from
> single to multiple processors.

Yeah, I agree 'ab' is a pretty coarse benchmark.  However, it does
in a way measure how much the various processors are helping,
because running ab with -c 1 should pretty much ensure that apache
only uses one processor at a time (except for a slight overlap while
one process does the logging and another could be reading the next
request from another processor), and similarily -c 2 should let
apache use 2 processors at one given time.  All approximately, of

Anyway, on that 4way server it works that way; the requests per
second increase quickly with the concurrency up to 4, but don't
increase anymore after that.  That is serving relatively slow
dynamic pages; with static content I'd expect more rapidly
diminishing returns.

Roger Espel Llima, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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