JR Mayberry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Modperl handler benchmark, which was done on a dual P3 500mhz on
> Linux does serious injustice to mod_perl. Anyone who uses Linux knows
> how horrible it is on SMP, I think some tests showed it uses as litle as
> 25% of the second processor..

It's an old post, but I simply cannot let this one pass uncommented.
I run a busy Apache/mod_perl server on a 4-way SMP Linux box (kernel
2.2.13 from VA Linux), and it sure seems to be using all CPUs quite

A simple benchmark with 'ab' shows the number of requests per second
almost double when the concurrency is increased from 1 to 2.  With a
concurrency of 4, the number of requests per second increases to
about 3.2 times the original, which is not bad at all considering
that these are dynamic requests with DB queries.

Anyway, I wouldn't expect the OS's SMP to be the limiting factor on
Apache's dynamic page performance.  Apache uses multiple processes,
and dynamic page generation is generally CPU bound, not I/O bound.

Roger Espel Llima, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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