On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Roger Espel Llima wrote:

> JR Mayberry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Linux does serious injustice to mod_perl. Anyone who uses Linux knows
> > how horrible it is on SMP, I think some tests showed it uses as litle as
> > 25% of the second processor..
> A simple benchmark with 'ab' shows the number of requests per second
> almost double when the concurrency is increased from 1 to 2.  With a
> concurrency of 4, the number of requests per second increases to
> about 3.2 times the original, which is not bad at all considering
> that these are dynamic requests with DB queries.

Eh, ab isn't really made as anything other than the most coarsely-grained
of benchmarks. Concurrency testing is useless because it will measure the
ratio of requests/second/processor, not the scalability of requests from
single to multiple processors.

IOW, you would see almost exactly that same increase in req/second on a
single processor, most likely, unless you have a really slow machine.
You'd have to tune your load to give you one req/second/processor and then
go from there for it to mean anything.

Of course the original poster's statement on linux using only 25% of a
second CPU is a fuddy and false generalization, but that's a different
story. :P

   Blue Lang, Unix Voodoo Priest
   202 Ashe Ave, Apt 3, Raleigh, NC.                          919 835 1540
        "I was born in a city of sharks and sailors!" - June of 44

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