"Ralf S. Engelschall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 05, 1998, Michael Lechner wrote:
> >[...]
> > That was my approach too - however you should change your
> > installation instructions:
> > >>  o Create the all-in-one SSLeay Makefile for building under Win32:
> > >>    $ perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm dll VC-WIN32 > makefile.win32
> >                            ^^^^^^^^^
> What's wrong here? These are the arguments Trung used.
> You mean we can allow assembler stuff, right? Yes, why not.
> But I'll ask Trung why he used "no-asm" initially...

no-asm - I don't have MASM (the MS Assembler) on my machine (Some code
in SSLeay has an assembler version for speed reason) If you have MASM
you can leave the switch out.

dll - I build a shared-library version, i.e. at the end I get
ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll. What is linked into ApacheCore.dll and
ApacheModuleProxy.dll is the _import_ libraries of those DLLs with
symbol refs to the DLLs. To run apache you need the DLLs. I've also
built mod_ssl with the static-library version of SSLeay, without any
problem. The upside is you don't need those two DLLs. The downside is
the SSLeay code is duplicated in ApacheCore.dll and also in

In any case you need to compile with the /MD flags, meaning your
program and its DLLs use C runtime in MSVCRT.DLL. No other option
here, because the same flag is used for Apache and at least Perl.

Mixing static and dynamic C runtimes in different DLLs in the same
process can lead to big problems (I think)

> > No! You can use ".EXP"-(export)-tables so these restrictions are not
> > on WIN32.  
> Ah, nice. Let us know details when available, i.e. patches ;-)

I do not understand what the .EXP file is for.


btw. I noticed that mod_proxy on win32 can crash Apache if the browser
cancel the transfer. The bug is on the Apache bug DB. I've got a quick
(and dirty) fix for that. Runs okay since then.

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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