Thanks to everyone for their input.  There was quite a bit more
discussion than I expected and most who have commented about the module
seem rather jazzed by the idea.

While the alternate implementation ideas sound interesting, I see no
compelling reason to change the interface.  In large part this is
because I have (with the permission of Rentrak, Inc.), reimplemented
their "" code that I and many others have been using for a
long time.  The syntax is quite natural and has stood the test of time
in a company that produces enterprise-class code (if you'll forgive the

I was going to list the choices for the name and put things up for a
vote.  However, I've decided that I will simply go with (with
explanations in the POD for those unfamiliar with the acronym for "also
known as").  I realize that not everyone will be happy with that but I
can't please everyone.  Instead, I'll settle for the name that is short
enough to fit my primary goal and is acceptable enough to programmers
that I won't be screamed at too much.

In emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED], brian d foy wrote back with some thoughts
but didn't seem to have a problem with calling this module a pragma, so
I think this is good to go.  I'll shoot another email to that list and
barring some last minute objection, I hope to have this uploaded


Silence is Evil   
Web Programming with Perl

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