David Wheeler wrote:
I agree that it should be lowercased; yes, there are modules on CPAN that look like pragmas (such as only). I personally would prefer, however, that the name tell me that it's doing something more than loading a class; "class" and "module" don't do that.

However, this code reads very well:

 use module 'Foo::Bar' as 'Bar';
 use package 'Foo::Bar' as 'Bar';

And this does not read as well (at least, in English):

 use aka 'Foo::Bar' as 'Bar';

My suggestion;

 use aliasing to 'Bar', 'Foo::Bar';

With the upside that "aliasing" also clearly states what the module
Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |><>T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
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