On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Dana Hudes wrote:

I agree with Elaine
I can't get rsync through the firewall at work. Not even tunneled.
For CPAN I use CPAN::Mini. It uses http and it does the job though it does 
force the local CPAN to blead. My local solution to other things we need such 
as Blastwave (we run Solaris) I have a special squid proxy with restrictive 
acls lots of disk space and long retention. That means we only download any 
package once: what needed when needed. That does create a problem of using 
bandwidth during the day but it works out ok in the end.

Rsync is better than having to hack reverse caching proxies for each site of 

Your use of a proxy is commendable.  The whole proxy thing was just thrown
out there as possible options to address concerns Elaine brought up that is
debatably non-pertinent to the majority of the public mirror operators.  I
know it's a complete non-issue for me.  The whole point was that if she
didn't want to get permission from her network folks to run another protocol
(in her case she was scoffing at FTP -- that's totally 1980s, man! ;-) she
could use one that was very likely already open, like HTTP, and use that as
the payload transport layer.  Making the CPAN mirror HTTP-browseable is
completely palatable to me.  Not for crawling, but for specific file
retrievals, assuming you're working off of the transaction logs.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Live Free or Die

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