And this could be the end of international shipping for a lot of items
from the US, since I believe 1st Class International, the only
affordable method for shipping something of small or moderate value,
does not offer a tracking number.  Unless I'm mistaken, you have to
use Priority, which is far too costly unless a buyer is willing to pay
$30-40 for shipping of items that cost that much or less.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:54 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi, Everyone,
>   I just received notification from eBay that as of June 1st, all packages
> sent out by Sellers will be required
> to have a tracking number...all packages.  Even some guy in Podunk U.S.A.
> who sends out 100 packages a day, each one containing a near-worthless
> trinket he's sold for 50 cents as of June 1st will be forced by the
> powers-that-be at eBay to spend 70 cents extra per package to the Post
> Office for a friggin' tracking number.
> Let's see...that'll only cost Mr. Seller from Podunk an extra 70 bucks a
> day...and the trinket he's sending out is only worth 50 cents!
>   I don't know if other sellers agree with me, but I think eBay is truly
> crossing the line here.  It's one thing if they raise their rates (which
> they've done many times).  I can begrudgingly accept that.  But to issue me
> a decree that I must provide a tracking number to them for every package I
> ship as of June 1st makes me think that eBay is getting to be more and more
> like Big Brother every day.  I'd like to hear if other sellers on eBay agree
> with me or not.  If you do agree, I'd suggest you give eBay a call and let
> them know what you think about it.  I just got off the phone after making a
> call to eBay.  The airhead on the other end was obviously lock-step with
> eBay's latest "plan".  Of course, in their email they emphasize how many
> rewards
> they plan to give us as sellers, treating us like a bunch of imbeciles who
> aren't fully aware of how transparent
> their B.S. has become.  Hey, you can dip a turd in chocolate and cover it
> with a rainbow of sprinkles, but it's still a friggin' turd.  (Sorry about
> such a crude metaphor, but as you can tell, I'm not pleased with this...)
>                                                      Rick
>                                                     rixposterz
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