I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey in Cinerama with my girlfriend. I enjoyed it thoroughly, thought it was amazing. Of course, my girl and I each took a capsule of pure blue mescaline, a very powerful psychedelic, 90 minutes before showtime.
I also enjoyed the ride home in my '65 Mustang convertible with the top down on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco during rush hour as much as Kubrick's film. "The tail lights look like lava", I enthusiastically yelled to my lady friend.
I re-watched 2001 last year, in hi-def on my big screen Samsung played on a state of the art Oppo blu-ray DVD player. No mind-altering substances have passed through my body in years (I am neither bragging nor confessing) and it all came off as a quaint anachronism. Today, HAL could have been a lap top, Keir Dullea could have smacked it with a ball peen hammer, and he could have made it back to Earth using the GPS on his iPhone.
Christ, I'm turning into a curmudgeon.
Greg Douglass
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 at 12:35 PM
From: "Glenn Taranto" <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What was the most grueling high rated movie you have watched?
A Val Lewton produced Western? Yikes! I actually may have to check that one out.
When I was 10 I went with a neighbor girl to see 2001: A Space Odyssey. Some of you can attest that I haven't been the same since. 
I had planned to revisit the film in 2001, provided I lived that long. Well I did. Live that long I mean. I had 365 days to do watch 2001 in 2001 and didn't. Still haven't seen it again. Those pod bay doors can stay closed forever as far as I'm concerned!
Glenn T.
On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 12:15 PM Kirby McDaniel <> wrote:
Heidi et Mopolistas,
The art film is a creation of SATAN. Cinema should not stretch your imagination too much lest is crack in the winds that blow.  These kinds of movies just confuse you>  Stick to movies like APACHE DRUMS, the first movie I ever saw.  It's a real horrorshow.  I was removed from the Lakewood Theater in Dallas, Texas crying my eyes out, age 6 or something. Or sex education films like AMERICAN PIE.
On Jul 17, 2023, at 12:44 PM, Heidi Herr <> wrote:
Hello! I’m also another Jeanne Dielman aficionado –I honestly found the movie to be a rather profound work of art. It’s definitely not the type of thing I would watch for a fun movie night, but much like Antonioni’s The Eclipse, Hogg’s Archipelago, and Hamaguchi’s Drive My Car, it’s a movie that for whatever reason continues to resonate with me. I also think I saw it at the right time in my life. If I watched it when I first started getting into  “old” movies as a pre-teen, I would have run away screaming!
But going back to the topic – the most grueling movie experience – as others have mentioned, it was a viewing of The Return of the King! Granted, I am not into any Tolkien stuff at all, so I am not the target audience for the movie,  but it was showing at the historic theater where I live, so my husband and I decided to see it. I could not stand it! My husband fell asleep, and about half way through the ordeal, I decided to chill in the lobby with the theater owner’s exceptionally friendly dog! All things considered, it was a nice evening out.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 1:17 PM Michael Greenwood <> wrote:
It's a great movie. I would watch Delphine Seyrig do just about anything for as long as she wants to be doing that. She is fantastic! That said, I am not sure it would come into my top ten movies.
One person's gruel is another person's gruel seen ever so slightly different.

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tommy Barr <>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What was the most grueling high rated movie you have watched?
I think this discussion, particularly Bruce's contribution, raises an interesting question about the purpose of films. Are they simply to entertain, or can some be more challenging art? I haven't seen Jeanne Dielman etc., but from what I read it is supposed to be boring and gruelling even, as it reflects the eponymous protagonist's life. Certainly there may be a 'woke' element to the critics' choice of best film ever, but that does not necessarily detract from its worth as an artistic endeavour. 
On Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 11:58, Larry Brooks <> wrote:
I really, really, Really hated THE ENGLISH PATIENT. Not just me, but every single guy I knew literally detested this film; it bored the pants off us - we found it incredibly tedious, vapid, cloying, and interminable - we'd sit there waiting for this thing to finally end.  But every girl we knew Loved it, so go figure. For us it was 100% ungodly movie torture.
On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 11:56 PM Greg Douglass <> wrote:
Oh, God, Bruce! Now I HAVE to watch it! The gauntlet has been thrown down.
I sat through "Monster-a-Go-Go" on a bet. Now this?
Greg Douglass
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 8:20 PM
From: "Bruce Hershenson" <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What was the most grueling high rated movie you have watched?
In case you don't know, Greg (and others), " Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles" was picked as the BEST MOVIE of all time!

This is the ultimate case of The Emperor's New Clothes.

On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 10:05 PM Greg Douglass <> wrote:
You win, Bruce. First of all, I've never heard of this cinematic felony to which you refer but have now been officially forewarned. Thank you for saving 3 hours & 22 minutes of my life.
However, I'd still rather watch "Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom" while eating a big bowl of chocolate pudding than be forced to sit through the first 30 minutes of "Chicago".
Greg Douglass
Coos Bay, OR
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 5:38 PM
From: "Bruce Hershenson" <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What was the most grueling high rated movie you have watched?
I think I have you all topped! In the 1970s I was a major international film fan, and I traveled far and wide to see films that would never play where I lived (no video yet, of course). An example is that in 1981 or so I traveled to Los Angeles for a day and a night to see the restored 1927 Napoleon with a full orchestra (conducted by Coppola's father) and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

So in 1983 a theater in Philadephia announced that they would show the uncut 3 hour 22 minute Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles I had read about this movie, and it sounded terrible, but some critics had highly praised it, so I convinced a fellow film buff to go with me.

"Grueling" is a good word to describe watching, but a better one would be "excrutiating". But my friend kept saying, "Surely it will get more interesting", so we stayed to the end, but it never did. If I was told I had  3 hours and 22 minutes left to live, I would choose to re-watch this movie, because then it would feel like years had gone by!
On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 3:49 PM Rick Payne <> wrote:
"Grueling" might not be the word for the film itself, but the experience certainly was.
It's 1968; I'm 13 and living in central Kansas.  Forry Ackerman's Famous Monsters magazine has fostered my infatuation with the great Lon Chaney but I've never seen one of his films.  Lo, the heavens open and I learn that a local college will be running "Hunchback of Notre Dame."  My dad finally agrees to drop me off at the college for the 8 pm showing and I'm to call him when it's over.
Unfortunately, they are showing an 8mm print on 400 foot reels using a single projector.  After every reel, they turn on the lights and rewind before showing the next one.  Naturally, old splices periodically fail and the film breaks or burns multiple times.  Each incident requires immediate repair; lights on; another delay.  The Hunchback will take about 3 1/2 hours to run. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the finish.
You see, I didn't realize that "Hunchback" was to be the second feature of the night ... after "Birth of a Nation."  Dad showed up around 1 in the morning, mad as a hornet that I hadn't called.  Well, the film wasn't over!  The judge refused to let me off on that technicality and it would be a couple more years before I saw the rest of the film.  
On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 10:38:11 AM EDT, Tony Calvert <> wrote:
I just had to check a print of "A LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT."  It seemed to drag on forever.  I like good character studies, but this seemed to never end.  The only good thing is that it was a shorter version, the bad part is the collection has 2 more prints.  If I ever hear a fog horn I will go into a deep depression.  

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