OK, Horse. Of course, you have no bias, and those who believe in liberty and 
the free market are naive. I get it. 

On 23 Oct 2010 at 14:08, Horse wrote:

  Sorry Platt, I'm not going to get involved in one of your attempts to 
twist the meaning of everything that doesn't fit your political bias.
If anyone is naive enough to believe you that's their problem.


On 23/10/2010 13:36, platthol...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 23 Oct 2010 at 4:13, Horse wrote:
>    On 23/10/2010 02:17, platthol...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Q: What does NAZI stand for?
>>> A. It is short nickname for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
>>> (National Socialist German Workers' Party).
>>> Source: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_Nazi_stand_for
>>> Nonsense? I hope you're not going to argue like DMB that words don't mean
> what
>>> they mean.
>> Platt
>> Right. And the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea means that its
>> citizens are as free as citizens of the U.S.
> But if words mean what they mean and the Nazi's were socialists then the
> above must be true according to what you are advocating above. So North
> Korea IS a Democratic Republic just like the U.S.
> Platt
> Are you telling us that socialist as used in the National Socialist German
> Workers Party did not mean socialist? Is that your position?  (The example of
> North Korea is false on its face, or perhaps you disagree?).
> .>  Platt
>> The meaning of "liberal" has changed since Washington's time to mean just 
>> opposite of what he meant.
> So now you're advocating the opposite of what you were previously
> advocating. Words mean the opposite of what they mean. Or is it the same
> but only when it suits you.
> Your propagandistic meanderings appear to be confusing you.
> Platt
> Show me where I said a word can never change its meaning.. But, do you think
> the word "in" as "in the Constitution" has changed?  It seems you are the
> confused one as you try to defend your approval of socialism. .
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