Hi Mark
Have you never heard of the wolf in sheep's clothing or that politicians (and certain folk around here) tell lies?


On 23/10/2010 06:01, 118 wrote:
Hi Horse,
Now, I am not a historian but I have read a few books, The Rise and the Fall
of the Third Reich being one of them.  My father lived through the war in
Holland and I have had many discussions with him.   In my opinion Platt is
correct in saying that the Nazi party (NSP) started as a socialist party.
  It named itself the German Worker's Party, which has obvious socialist
overtones.  The party came to power due to a depression.  The NSP promised
the middle class it would fix all the problems (never said how).  The NSP
had an extensive welfare system (also a socialist premise), which gave them
more power.  Living conditions for the masses improved under the NSP.

Fascism can have benign connotations if we separate it from the war
atrocities. In fact Italian fascism was quite popular, and Mussolini was a
socialist journalist.  The economic model is that all production is in the
control of the government, or very large corporations (socialist).

Hegel followers and others were looking for an alternative to common
socialism with many of the same attributes.  They thought fascism it would
result in harmony between social classes (also a socialist ideal).  It was a
top down approach, which is also socialist.    All of these words now have
different meanings due to the ghastly war, but these Germans and Italians
were not stupid, they were indeed looking for a better society.

But unfortunately (and I will end with a poem by Robert Burns):

The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew.
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!

Be skeptical of the intellect...

It's all on the Internet



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