On 6/27/11 5:06 PM, "Ham Priday" <hampd...@verizon.net> wrote:

> You can't "ride off in all directions" on your horse because it would
> violate the laws of nature which support the design and dynamics of
> existence.  These laws afford us a consistent, logical, and predictable
> ground for cooperative effort and rational decisions.  And, while you may
> not "ride off in all directions" on horseback, you can ride off in any
> single direction you choose, because you are a free agent.
> Thanks anyway, Joe.
> Regards,
> Ham 

Hi Ham,

Free Will adds indeterminacy into our actions, otherwise they wouldn't be
free.  What in me defines the indeterminate so that actions are not
predestined?  Pirsig very cleverly suggested a metaphysics DQ/SQ where DQ is
a reality which remains indefinable and knowable.  I suggest that emotions
are DQ only, while intellect is DQ/SQ.

Evolution defines reality in definable levels in existence.  Calcium is
found in a rock and in by bones.  DQ/SQ evolution suggests levels in
existence.  I don't exist the same as the rock, and there is something in me
that identifies this, and the horse of my actions freely chooses which way
to go, sometimes right, sometimes left.

To know DQ in an evolutionary environment (morality) is enabled in a
metaphysics which recognizes undefined (free) defined (actions).  I suggest
the emotional level is DQ only. I have to arrange my reality in some order,
even though my indefinable emotions tell me there is always something more.


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