Greetings Good Dan Glover,  

On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Dan Glover wrote:

> Hello everyone
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 12:50 PM, MarshaV <> wrote:
>> "To the extent that one's behavior is
>> controlled by static patterns of quality it is without choice. But to the 
>> extent
>> that one follows Dynamic Quality, which is undefinable, one's behavior is 
>> free."
>>     (LILA, Chapter 12)
>> Here's a way to look at it:  'To the extent that one's behavior is 
>> controlled by the freewill (a static pattern of value) it is without choice. 
>>  But to the extent that one follows Dynamic Quality, which is undefinable, 
>> one's behavior is free.'
> Dan:
> I am not sure what you're getting at. Is this a typo, perhaps? Yes,
> free will is a static pattern of value. But so is everything. Every
> "thing" that is, except Dynamic Quality. Static patterns of quality
> determine our lives. Dynamic Quality makes our lives better.
>> Marsha:
>> But there is also this:
>> "In a subject-object classification of the world, Quality is in the same 
>> situation as that platypus. Because they can't classify it the experts have 
>> claimed there is something wrong with it.  And Quality isn't the only such 
>> platypus. Subject-object metaphysics is characterized by herds of huge, 
>> dominating, monster platypi. The problems of free will versus determinism, 
>> of the relation of mind to matter, of the discontinuity of matter at the 
>> sub-atomic level, of the apparent purposelessness of the universe and the 
>> life within it are all monster platypi created by the subject-object 
>> metaphysics..."
>>      (LILA, Chapter 8)
> Dan:
> Yes, there is that. But what exactly are you getting at? I don't see
> any commentary.
> Thank you,
> Dan

A little after the Chapter 8 quote, "These creatures that seem like such a 
permanent part of the philosophical landscape magically disappear when a good 
Metaphysics of Quality is applied."  

If this issues is deemed a huge, dominating, monstrous, som, platypus that the 
MoQ removes, on what basis would you like to continue the discussion?   Is 
there a clear new question being formulated for discussion?  



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