Hello everyone

On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 6:15 AM, X Acto <xa...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> Dan:
> To the extent one follows the undefined, they are free. This is very
> powerful stuff. How does a person go about following that which is not
> this, not that?
> Ron:
> Well thats why I favor "better-ness" for we follow dynamic quality
> when we choose to wing-it, when we put the nava-computer away
> on our bombing run on the death star and use the force .....Luke.
> It explains when we just hurl ourselves into the maelstrom of life, we do
> so with the experience of  the joy of freedom .
> Not this, not that,  quiets the mind and is used to put the typical static
> cautions
> to sleep, a sort of intellectual way to a fuk-it attitude, that helps us just 
> go
> and
> do something off the cuff, something crazy new and wild, to be playful and
> experiment, explore.
> But yea, that has always been my trouble with "not this not that" as far as 
> the
> best
> intellectual explanation of Dynamic Quality its only half an explanation.


Hey Ron, thank you for your reply. It is always good to talk to you. I
tend to agree with most of what you say above, except for the last
sentence. "Not this, not that" isn't an intellectual explanation so
much as it is a negation of explanation. At least that's how I've
always understood it. We cannot explain Dynamic Quality by saying what
it is. We can only examine "it" by what it is not.

Thanks again,

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