Michael (whoever you are) said

> Almost every discussion of Pirsig, the totality of his thought, and the MOQ
> (all three of which are separate) that I've seen eventually resemble the
> Church of Reason intellectualizing criticized so adeptly in ZAMM.

I agree, and in fact I believe I've pointed out the irony more than
once myself. I don't interact with many of the interminable academic
arguments these days, and kinda hope those on the "reason" trip will
eventually grow out of it. It's a learning curve (even) the most
intelligent need to go through, including every new MoQ participant,
so the mass of debate on MoQ will forever be confined to that church.


On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Michael R. Brown <m...@fuguewriter.com> wrote:
> Hello all -
> I've been on the list before, then left, now returned.
> I've been reading Bob Pirsig's writing regularly since the mid-1980s, and
> remain deeply intrigued by him - first as a literary artisan (for which he's
> not received enough credit) and then as a philosopher. I do think that he
> has lit on some insights of huge importance, and expressed them in the way
> they needed to be expressed.
> But here's something that I have been unable to resolve, so I throw it out
> here for what it's worth.
> Almost every discussion of Pirsig, the totality of his thought, and the MOQ
> (all three of which are separate) that I've seen eventually resemble the
> Church of Reason intellectualizing criticized so adeptly in ZAMM.
> And what I have not yet seen, ever, is an expression of passionate emotion.
> There's obviously passionate emotion in ZAMM, and I've always been grateful
> that RP touches sexuality in L - so where's the expression of this passion
> in those who have been influenced by him? Am I missing it? What's the
> subjective importance of this writer to those who love him?
> [ For those who are interested in RP's possible literary children, I worked
> in a commentary and tribute to the closing of ZAMM - which I think one of
> the most moving things I've ever read - in my last book, a memoir that
> closes on the opposite shore of the great Bridge that our protagonists are
> approaching as the book ends. ]
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