Marsha said to dmb:

I have no desire to discuss free-will or determinism with you, and I have no 
desire to play Whack-A-Mole. 

dmb says:
Ahh, but are you really free to act on that lack of desire to act? Or are you 
determined to evade responsibility for your contradictory claims? 
To truly understand what I'm saying, you have to negate all my statements so 
that the meaning is reversed and then negate that reversal so that you come 
right back to the original statement but with an altered meaning and context 
wherein everything is both true and not true at the same time. 

See? For me, it's all about me, me, me and everyone know that I'm so 
enlightened and deep and profound that coherence and logical consistency just 
aren't for me, me, me and words only ever mean whatever they happen to mean to 
me at any given moment. Cause that's how I roll, baby,

One minute, Marsha says:

In the MoQ, there is no subject and there are no objects.  If there is no 
subject - if there is no self - then there is no subject/self to have freedom 
of the will, and likewise, there is no subject/self who has a life that is 
determined.  The issue is meaningless. 

The next minute Marsha says:
For me, the MoQ's self is a collection of ever-changing, interrelated, 
impermanent, static patterns of inorganic, biological, social and intellectual 
value in a field of Dynamic Quality.

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