On 7/21/11 9:29 PM, "MarshaV" <val...@att.net> wrote:

> So please do not make any apology for Buddhism, Exploring the MoQ together
> with Buddhism is very valid.

I'm not making any apologies for Buddhism. And I'm surely not challenging
the validity of exploring them together. How could I? The MoQ is Zen in a
Pendleton blanket.  Most, not all, but most of the confusion in the MoQ is
the confusion with and within Buddhism. The MoQ it is an attempt by a
Westerner with a tiny amount of Eastern experience and smidgen of Zen
experience to rewrite Zen in a way that is palatable to the Western mind. It
seem to be working for you, but as you are aware you are in a minority here.

As for me I'm not looking for a new religion. The old ones have such a
dismal track record I just can't see making the same mistakes all over


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