
On May 24, 2013, at 4:21 PM, david buchanan <> wrote:

> Concerning the RMP quote (printed below) dmb writes:
> Is this a case of intellect, "a lower form of evolution, ..trying to devour a 
> higher mystic one"? Are we supposed to slam the breaks on scientific progress 
> itself. Are we going to shout down every attempt to say anything about 
> anything by simply saying that Quality cannot be defined? Are we supposed to 
> believe that living and thinking like a human being is some kind crime? You 
> think Pirsig would write two philosophy books just to say that any kind of 
> philosophical discussion is some sort of moral violation? This whole 
> conversation is just asinine and yet it has gone on year after year.
> I'm so sick of this stubborn, stubborn stupidity. Not even when it's 
> spoon-fed right up to your lips!

On the other hand, I find it exceedingly easy to ignore your over-dramatized 
and silly projections.    


RMP wrote:

"Strictly speaking, the creation of any metaphysics is an immoral act since 
it's a lower form of evolution, intellect, trying to devour a higher mystic 
one. The same thing that's wrong with philosophology when it tries to control 
and devour philosophy is wrong with metaphysics when it tries to devour the 
world intellectually. It attempts to capture the Dynamic within a static 
pattern. But it never does. You never get it right. So why try? It's like 
trying to construct a perfect unassailable chess game. No matter how smart you 
are you're never going to play a game that is 'right' for all people at all 
times, everywhere. Answers to ten questions led to a hundred more and answers 
to those led to a thousand more. Not only would he never get it right; the 
longer he worked on it the wronger it would probably get."

    (RMP, 'LILA', Chapter 32)

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