John said to Dan:
I know what a social pattern is.

John to Ham:
What is tiresome to me, are those who conclude from the significance of valuation, that it completely negates it's creations - the individual and his society.

John to Dan:
I find Pirsig to be very clear and understandable and I don't have any trouble understanding him.

Well John, if Dan or dmb cannot persuade you into realizing your error just remember what Pirsig says about the social level:

'Societies are subjective. No objective instrument can detect a society' (see Annot. 18)

This is pretty much what Dan and dmb have been telling you. This is one reason why Pirsig, writing the MoQ did not focus on any specific society. He 'subsumed' it in 'social patterns of value' and within this level of the MoQ hierarchy there are no bodies found anywhere. In other words, one should not see a society as consisting of individual human bodies/people.

Annotation 19 should make this clear:
'In /Lila, /societies are...patterns that emerge from and are superimposed upon organic bodies of people, but they are not combinations of these organic bodies of people'.

And, for good measure here is Annotation 29:
'The MoQ...denies any existence of a 'self' independent of inorganic, biological, social or intellectual patterns. There is no 'self' that contains these patterns. These patterns contain the self. This denial agrees with both religious mysticism and scientific knowledge...'
(Lila's Child p 64-5)

Combine these three and your notion that the Giant operates from a subject-object point of view just evaporates...dissolves. And I hope a lot more confused bits and pieces you are grappling with at the moment are cleared up as well.

And Ham will only confuse you more John. He has his own agenda.

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