Hi John,

Agreed, there is little intelligent criticism, and much virulent vitriol on

In fact I was tempted to respond to this from Arlo ....

"...As I tell students I work with, the simplest progression is "A said B.
A was wrong about B. This is why A was wrong about B. I propose C instead
of B. Here's why C is better." Each step in this progression is subject to
examination for accuracy, and you can't conflate criticism with one step as
criticism for another (or all)."

That this is the problem.
It's all criticism, the cart before the horse.
Nothing before the disagreement.

Whereas, these are the rhetorical habits we should really aspire to:

This excerpt from neurologist-philosopher Daniel Dennett's new book
Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking lays out a set of
rhetorical habits that I immediately aspired to attain:

How to compose a successful critical commentary:

1. Attempt to re-express your target's position so clearly, vividly
and fairly that your target says: "Thanks, I wish I'd thought of
putting it that way."

2. List any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of
general or widespread agreement).

3. Mention anything you have learned from your target.

4. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or

And if that wasn't enough: "whenever you see a rhetorical question,
try – silently, to yourself – to give it an unobvious answer. If you
find a good one, surprise your interlocutor by answering the
question." And then, "A good moral to draw from this observation is
that when you want to criticise a field, a genre, a discipline, an art
form …don't waste your time and ours hooting at the crap! Go after the
good stuff or leave it alone."

Criticism is to be used very, very, very, very sparingly,
and only after 1, 2 and 3 are established in the conversation.
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