And on the seventh day Clover spoke:

>> *What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla*
>document title and heading don't match. I like the title better. Can you 
>change it to "Rights and duties when triaging bugs"?

I like the other one better, so I changed the title to "What to do and
what not to do in Bugzilla". :-)

>> If you want to get bugzilla privileges
>change all "bugzilla" to "Bugzilla"


>> You should report a bug in the NEW state under the condition that
>> you've gone gone through the triaging process as listed in the
>> two mentioned guides yourself.
>You should only report a bug in the NEW state after going through the 
>triaging process as described in the two above-mentioned guides.


>> You should look at all the bugs you've reported ...
>> at least every two months and test whether they still exist.
>"all the open bug reports"


>I prefer "periodically" over "at least every two months"

"Periodically" can also be every five years.

>> Therefore, don't abuse your privileges
>"Don't abuse this privilege." or "Don't abuse your privileges."

I like the "therefore" here. It connects this sentence with the one

|The more powerful editbugs privilege gives you the privileges of 
|canconfirm and also the ability to edit most aspects of a bug. 
|Don't abuse your privileges.

doesn't sound very well. The two sentences seem to be very alien to one

>> Whenever you resolve a bug, CC yourself on the bug so that you
>> are informed when new facts come up.
>"When you..." and "CC yourself so that..."


>> If you're uncertain about resolving a bug, leave it alone!
>When in doubt, leave it alone.

I changed it to "When in doubt about resolving a bug, leave it alone!"

>> the bug reporter has not responded to questions for four weeks
>> and the bug can't be reproduced with a current build.
>nit. "one month" is easier arithmatic-wise than "four weeks"


>> The exception are bugs in other software which we have to work
>> around.
>Not neccessary "bugs". 

I already explained this in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>And I think the form of "be" word goes with the subject: "The 
>exception is issues in..."


>> Bugs covering these exceptions should not be INVALIDated by anyone
>> other than the module owner or module peer.
>I count one "exception". 


>This is a bit ambiguous: if you are not the module owner or peer, can 
>you invalid'ate a bug?

You can invalidate a bug as long as the bug does not cover the exception.

>Tech Evangelism should link to TE project page


>> Bug reports about crashes, hangs, dataloss, or severe security
>> exploits (e.g. remote execution of arbitrary code) get the critical severity.
><tt></tt> around "crash", "hang", etc?
>Also, they should link to the keywords page:
>Bug reports with crash, hang, or dataloss <a>keyword</a> or involving 
>severe security exploits (e.g. remote execution of arbitrary code) get 
>the critical severity.

No. All bugs covering crashes, hangs, or dataloss get the critical
severity, not only those that have the keyword.

>> If a bug belongs to a different Product or Component it should be
>> reassigned. See this description of the products in bugzilla.
>If a bug belongs to a different Product or Component it should be 
>reassigned (see the <a>component description</a> of the products).

The link does describe the different products. If you click on the link
to one of the products the product components are described. So I think
the current wording is correct.

>> Make sure that you also test Thunderbird or Firebird bugs with the
>> Application Suite and move the bug to one of the core products
>"core components"

This was written in light of the coming bugzilla reorganization.

>Thunderbird and Firebird should both link to projects/<product>/ page.


>> If you don't know where a bug belongs, don't touch it!
>> ... and don't leave bugs in the JS engine Component if you know
>> that the malfunction being described is a DOM problem.
>didn't you say "don't touch it"?

I say "don't touch it, if you don't know what you're doing". The last
sentence says "please touch it, if you what you're doing".

Rusty: You scared?
Linus: You suicidal?
Rusty: Only in the morning.
(Ocean's Eleven)
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