Simon Paquet wrote:

Additionally, it would be good if every paragraph / list/ etc. had a id so that people could be easilly directed to part of the document

Done. But I haven't linked every small sub-chapter from the top, because I want people to see more of the doc on first sight than just the table of contents.

That's exactly what I had in mind.

I played a little with the markup and found a way to squeeze this
information into the TOC and still display the first paragraph on a
1024x768 resolution.

Take a look.

I don't think I was clear; I wasn't really bothered about having everything in the contents menu, just that everything that you might conceivably want to link to should be given an id (or rather a name), so that people can refer others to specific subsections of the document. The only advantage of dumping all this information in the contents is that it makes the id easy to find. However, if you're happy with the longer contents menu, it's certianly not a bad thing.

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