JTK wrote:

> Gervase Markham wrote:
>>>Well I'd hope so, given how much memory it hogs.  Again, over 22MB *TO
>>I tell you what - we'll make a pre-app that brings up a GIF of Mozilla
>>showing a blank page. Then, when you click on it, it loads the real thing.
>>That way, you can have your blank page with almost no memory. How does
>>that sound?
> Actually, I'm surprised there isn't work being done in that wise.  I'm
> sure now that you've floated the notion, there will be.  Anything to
> avoid solving the real problem.
>>The memory usage for a blank page is a useless measure.
> Not when it's over TWENTY MEG it isn't.
>>Browse a chosen 20
>>sites in the two browsers (of equal HTML and CSS functionality), then
>>check the memory usage.
> Ah, Mr. Markham, do you *really* want me to do that, and report back
> with the results?  Yeah, I didn't think so.
>>I'm not saying Mozilla's memory usage is necessarily good - but your
>>measure certainly isn't.
> "My measue" is only the tip of a very ugly iceberg Mr. Markham.  And I
> can't help but notice a complete lack of "your measure"s being posted
> anywhere, be they good, bad, or ugly.

Curiosity got the best of me:
Win 2KPro Sp1:
After browsing the same 20 or so web pages:
Moz:    23,934K (before opening the mail client and subscribing to 
Moz:    41,234K (after closing the mail client)
Moz:    44,572K (after re-opening the mail client, downloading 
newsgroups and posting this message -- AND growing - now 45,432K)

Moz nightly for Win32 from 5/3/01.

The mem usage numbers were copied from Windows' Task Manager.

Looks like JTK's got a point, eh?


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