JTK wrote:
> "Justin H." wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> > After 10 minutes of heavy surfing, I end up at ~20 megs.
> How?

If I knew that, don't you think I'd tell the devs? :-Þ

> >  I started out
> > somewhere around ~15 megs.  My start page is about:
> >
> I started, just now, at 20,180 K.  My start page was about:.
> > The sites I surfed were table heavy, graphics heavy, script heavy in a
> > couple of cases, but no Java.  The plugin wasn't running or installed.
> >
> I think I hit cnn.com and mozilla.org, looked at a half-dozen pages
> max.  No Java that I'm aware of; again, I'm installing straight from the
> 8MB installer, which AFAIK contains no JRE.  And regardless, Java would
> probably double that 20MB anyway.

I included cnn.com, disney.com, espn.com, and several others, including
javascript.com and other script sites just to get a mix.  I also did
some Back/Forward action to work the kinks out of the cache.

> > So obviously there's other factors besides just Mozilla's mem usage.
> Obviously.  What are they?

I don't know.  It's your computer, you tell us.

> >  Or
> > did you already know that?
> >
> Why are you posting this with Communicator 4.77, Justin?

Because I don't have the time or the energy to do more than sporadic
testing of Moz/N6 here at work.  I wish that wasn't so, but this is
work.  That, and I prefer Comm's newsreader still.  Oh, and the profile
converter isn't that good at bringing across Communicator profiles.

By the way, my choice of newsreader doesn't imply any kind of criticism
or any less enthusiasm for the Mozilla project.  If it worked better for
me, I'd choose Xnews or Agent, or any one of several good newsreaders. 
I just happen to like Communicator.

Justin H.
"Ask about our layaway plan!"
  -Sign at a funeral parlor

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