Patrick Gallagher wrote:

> Peemm wrote:
>> Jonas Jørgensen wrote:
>>> DeMoN LaG wrote:
>>>> Um, two of my female friends don't have anything against 
>>>> pornography, one of them is actually turned on by it.
>>> Cool friends! ;-)
>>> Most of the girls I know don't have anything against pornography 
>>> either. Phillip C.E.T. Jones' opinions is from a time when men was 
>>> considered superior to women.
>>> /Jonas
>> Sorry, Jonas, but I have skimmed through all the postings, and even 
>> though I no longer believe in Phillip M. Jones' chivalry, I must say 
>> that he understands something you and your friend DeMoN LaG don't. 
>> Pornography is nothing you get "turned on by". Porn is a substitute 
>> for real life. You might as well use heroine. And the producers of 
>> porn don't care about your pleasure; they want to get money - YOUR 
>> money! This is the offensive part. You are dealing with a kind of 
>> robber here - not just a spammer.
>> /P.M.
> Pornography is a part of real life - many couples enjoy watching the 
> stuff together, as do some single people... Obviously it's a market 
> that's in strong demand, or it wouldn't be the most profitable business 
> on the internet - it's also a legal business so long as they follow 
> legitimate business practices, and follow guidelines.

Yes, it is part of "real life" if you by this expression mean "our 
society", but I meant "happy life" or something similar. I don't think a 
happy and content person would show the slightest interest in porn, at 
least not at those moments when he or she is really at one with the world.

> Spam - regardless of what it's for - is the disease. You can choose what 
> you watch, what you search the internet for (you might end up with porn 
> on occasion, but if you're not seeking it, it can be avoided.) and who 
> you talk to, but you can't choose what kind of SPAM shows up in your 
> favorite newsgroups or your inbox. Doesn't matter whether it's for 
> kleenex or penis enlargement or a new flower delivery service, it's all 
> equally offensive.
> Patrick

Well, do you think spam for flower deliveries is equally offensive as 
"teen4play" or "Stacie4play"?! This is like saying that giving a fellow 
being some flowers is equally bad as tricking him or her into 
"performing" in front of a camera (- yes, people CAN be tricked into 
doing things they don't like [mentioned to answer another post in this 
thread] -). Now, I don't think you would put it like this, you are 
obviously stretching your point that spamming is the sick thing here, 
and in this matter I totally agree.


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