Peemm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED], on
01 Mar 2002: 

> I don't see the autocracy in this, but never mind. Of course you
> can get turned on in the sense that a chemical reaction may start
> in your body, possibly making you horny as hell, but that is merely
> stimulus/response, easily achieved in a lot of ways, and it won't
> last for long. 

Better to rent a porno than go find a drunk girl, isn't it?

> Well, porn movies definitely are, but there are other movies, as
> there are music, paintings and concerts, which are not substitutes,
> rather part of the essence of real life.

Why?  Why are porn movies a substitute for real life?  In what sense to 
you think watching people have sex instead of you having sex is any 
different than watching two people play hockey instead of you playing 
> Cp. the answer to the first question. Heroine will bring a much
> more intense and lasting feeling. It's destructive, of course, but
> so is porn. Can you explain to me in what way porn is good for you?

How is porn destructive?  I saw my first porno at age 15, I'll be 19 in 
a little under two months.  Porn is a good thing because porn can 
relieve stress and tension and make you feel good.  Can you explain to 
me in what way porn is destructive to you?
>> Let's sue Disneyworld too then, they are robbers by your
>> reasoning. 
> Disney world is family friendly, Heather4play is not. You cannot
> sue everyone for liking your money, and I didn't say that the porn
> spammers ARE robbers; they are kind of robbers, because they share
> the same ugly mentality thinking that human beings are there to be
> exploited. They exploit the boys and girls in the industry, they
> exploit you as a customer and they exploit this news group, which
> should be about a web browser and not at all about this stuff!

Oh shut the hell up.  You are saying it's OK for some people to be 
robbers but bad for others.  Go take over a third world country or 
something dude, where you can boss people around.  I don't know about 
the laws in Sweden, but here in the US we have freedom of speech and 
expression.  Almost all civilized countries have this law, though not 
all have it written into their constitution like the US.  What you are 
proposing is censorship.  Someone else deciding what is good for me.  
And *that* is far more immoral and destructive than any form of 
pornography could ever be.  I am an adult.  If I choose to watch other 
adults have sex for my own entertainment, who the hell are you to tell 
me it's wrong?

> Que..? Are you calling me a taliban? Should I be offended? Who is 
> talking about banning porn? My intention was to speak up against
> those who take porn spammers lightly, and seem to think that they
> are in fact quite cute.

I don't consider porn spammers cute.  I don't consider any spammer cute.  
The fact it is porn does not make it any better or worse than any other 

AIM: FlyersR1 9
_ = m

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