Jonas Jørgensen wrote:

> Peemm wrote:
>>>> I don't believe in calling for the police every time someone does 
>>>> something bad.
>>> I agree with you.
>> No, in practice you don't.
> Why do you think so?
> /Jonas

I meant that you want to make spam illegal, e.g. making it a business 
for the police.

 >I'm only against _negative_ sexism -- e.g., when women are paid less 
 >for doing some job than men are for doing the exact same job, only 
 >because of the fact that they happen to be female. Your dictionary's 
 >definition of sexism ("treating people differently because of their 
 >sex", for those of you who don't understand Swedish) is not what I was 
 >talking about, and I think you know it.


I probably do, but I just don't seem to be able to stop arguing :-)

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