Peemm wrote:

> Spam is easily ignored. With a little experience you can always tell 
> from the subject or the sender line whether it's spam or not. Just 
> scroll past it. It's not a big deal. (Am I wrong to believe that it is 
> you that cannot keep yourself from opening these posts..?)

Yes, you are wrong. In newsgroups, I usually just press N or hit the 
space bar when I have finished reading a post. I often have no idea of 
which message or even which thread it will take me to.

> Sexism is like life's own spice. Sometimes women treat me in a sexist 
> way. Most times I don't like it, because I realize that they think I'm 
> stupid or something, not because of anything I said, only because I 
> happen to be male. But other women combine sexism with respect. They 
> respect you as a fellow human being, but first and foremost you are a 
> man. They treat you differently, only because of your sex. This brings a 
> most satisfying feeling. Therefore, I do NOT wish you good luck in your 
> fight against sexism.
> /P.M.
> PS. Sexism as described in my dictionary = "det att behandla el. 
> betrakta människor olika enbart p.g.a. deras kön"

I'm only against _negative_ sexism -- e.g., when women are paid less for 
doing some job than men are for doing the exact same job, only because 
of the fact that they happen to be female. Your dictionary's definition 
of sexism ("treating people differently because of their sex", for those 
of you who don't understand Swedish) is not what I was talking about, 
and I think you know it.


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