Gervase Markham wrote:
> Ian Grigg wrote:
>>> This is  clearly not the case - in partnership with the other browser
>>> vendors, we are together working out the most appropriate UI and then
>>> all implementing it.

That's fine, but of course not currently an open process.

Duane kindly setup an open forum, the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. This is for anybody interested in further discussing these issues; thanks! I am sure that some of the people in the `closed` group will also join/follow the open forum, and certainly hope that Gerv will. In particular, this list is an appropriate forum for feedback on our proposal (TrustBar) and other proposals, for developing agreed-upon criteria, etc....

For info or to join:

>> You (mozilla, you, everyone within) are not playing fair.

It is not an issue of fairness, it is an issue of open process. I am indeed disappointed to find that Mozilla is not acting openly. As a believer in open process, I am concerned that the result may be suboptimal. This is not the way to encourage innovation.

Best, Amir Herzberg
See the new TrustBar homepage at
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