> Hi!
> > > Some time ago Mark initiated a discussion about Lame's license. At the
> > > moment Lame is fully GPL which involves some problems.
> > >  If Lame is compiled as a DLL then the LGPL applies.
> > >  If Lame is compiled as a standalone program then GPL applies.
> > Why not run as standalone?
> Because it makes integration into other packages more complicated and why
> then develop a DLL version?

Because I believe that Freedom perserving software (i.e. GPL) should be
given every possible advantage over non-freedom software (classic
commercial software).

Since there is only about four lines of my code in Lame, I really dont
have a say. But if I ever do get around to fixing up my VBR stuff, and
Lame becomes LGPLed, I'll place it in a seperate GPLed file, and probably
have to fork development (though I would probably just not work on lame as
I KNOW I'm not good enough to do more then some little hacks).
> > > This way we could legalize Lame, i.e. every
> > > Lame user could finally buy a legal Lame license!
> > > This is rediculous I know because we would have to buy a license for a
> > > program we developed ourselves but that how patends strike back ;(
> > By doing this we just legitimize their patent complaints.
> You cannot do anything against them. They already have them and ignoring it
> will not improve the situation at all. Just in contrary Lame development
> runs in danger of getting trouble with them and eventually will have to be
> stopped if no licensing is possible at all.

I don't agree. I believe that these patents can be fought because they are
invalid. In fact, I believe we MUST fight them now, as increasing big
bussiness influence is corrupting my government.

I am willing to stake my wealth and liberity to defend my belifs, and by
using and distibuting lame I am doing just that. I have, however, made
certian choices that make this less difficult: I don't own anything of
real value.

Almost eveything I use belongs to someone else. I drive worthless, used
cars, I donate a lot of my money, barter for services, rent my house, etc.
Even though I make more then enough to have whatever material possessions
I want.

It's not always easy, but it gives me incredible freedom. The only thing
they could do is throw me in jail, and somehow I dont think that
mega-corp(tm) wants to see "25yr old network eng. thrown in prison for
using their patented mathmatical forumla in hobbie freesoftware project".

I wonder when they are going to go after lame? Are they going to wait for
the quality to meet/exceedee mpegenc?

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