>Hi guys,
>What is your opinion on SCMPX player/encoder by
>Shinji Chiba ??? It is available for almost a year
>already and I heard nothing else but rumors about
>how great/bad it is so far.
>SCMPX home page: http://www.70.nu/ch3/index_e.html
>Download: http://www.70.nu/ch3/smxwin151e.zip
>MAZ Sound Tools web-zine gave to SCMPX and Lame
>the highest grades, some sites quote MAZ saying
>"SCMPX is the best encoder of year 2000", although,
>I did not find anything like that myself on MAZ's
>web-page. They did some analysis on it too:
>Personally I tried SCMPX as a player half a year
>ago and did not notice anything outstanding: it
>wasn't bad at all, but still worse then NAD :))
>Remark for Linux users - SCMPX is a win32 app :(

ACK!! It has pokemon on intro page.. it MUST BE EVIL!!!

Dmitry Boldyrev
 Subband Software, Inc.

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