Zia Mazhar schrieb am Mit, 17 Mai 2000:
> > Well I loaded the actual one, it is from august 1999,
> > even the may 1999 version has VBR support.
> > I would bet that his engine is based on tompeg from Xing.
> Which version are you referring to? I tested 1.51 and the output is quite
> different from TOMPG.

scmpx version 1.51 is from august 1999.

Well, I meant I think it started with the sources from TOMPG, 
just as lame started with the ISO dist10. 

> > Once there were the tompeg sources floating around,
> > I could kick my ass that I did not grab them as they were available.
> Wow! How did it leak?

I don't know, but I heard some rumour that some earlier Linux distribution
included the sources of TOMPG, but I can't confirm that.
> > This scmpx isn't that bad, it supports MPEG1 in all three layers.
> > There are more features, ie. you can play and encode at the same time.
> Yes... But the UI is a bit odd. :-)

maybe because he is a game programmer... 

> - Zia


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