Mark Taylor schrieb am Die, 16 Mai 2000:
> I am very biased, but...
> The web site says nothing about audio compression or encoding
> technology.  Also SCMPX seems to be the work on one guy with
> limited user feedback (not open source) who also writes games
> and GUIs.  I just cant believe it is really an independent
> codec.  
> The pre-echo results seem to suggest it does ok, so it is not based on
> ISO code.  It also has VBR, jstereo and "forced stereo" which
> was really invented by LAME.  So I would bet good money it
> is based on some version of LAME, but by now it probably has
> all the variables renamed and the indentation changed :-)
> Mark

Well, once I tried scmpx a few months ago, it was able play and 
fast encode mp3's. That was before I even heard of LAME, if I remember
right it was in 1997/98. I would have to dig in some old discs,
maybe I find some old copy of that, but chances are low 
that I still have it.

But, maybe the actual one is in fact based on LAME.


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