
On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 16:40:23   
 Roel VdB wrote:

>It sounds much better on fatboy than the other options.
>GC> I'd like to hear your thoughts on these settings.
>I think it's possibly only usable on this fatboy example.  On velvet
>it sounds really poor and the bitrate is much too high:

Im not sure which part exactly you mean sounds very poor.  The only thing that I could 
hear in the encoded mp3 is that perhaps a around 3 of the cymbal hits throughout the 
clip sound a bit louder on the right channel.  This particular sound does not seem to 
appear on the file encoded with your settings.  However when the different waveforms 
of the mp3s are subtracted from the original in cool edit, the normal settings show 
much more noise than the settings I suggested.  This seems to be the case with every 
mp3 I have encoded to compare to two, so I am not quite sure why it is that in 
velvet.wav I would be hearing these sounds.. perhaps it is a bug?  If it is simply 
noise that is causing the sound then how could that be possible when the peaks of the 
errors in the waveforms are also much lower in these settings than the ones you use? 
For clarity I have made screenshots showing the result of the waveform subtraction on 
the two different mp3s (using the same technique that you ha!
ve used on your page to compare noise levels between encoders):

are the normal settings and
is that waveform saved and zipped.

are the settings I suggested
and the zip of that waveform.

> 32 [%.9]*
>128 [ 4%]*****
>160 [ 8%]*********
>192 [13%]**************
>224 [14%]****************
>256 [15%]*****************
>320 [46%]**************************************************
>average: 257.9 kbps

Im curious, what version of lame are you using, and did you compile it yourself?  I 
ask because the bitrate I get from encoding with these settings is different than what 
you posted.  Here are my results:

LAME version 3.87 (beta 1, Sep 29 2000)    (http://www.mp3dev.org)
Win32 binaries from www.chat.ru/~dkutsanov/
polyphase lowpass filter disabled
Encoding velvet.wav to velvet.wav.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=1) j-stereo MPEG-1 LayerIII ( 6.0x estimated) qval=2
    Frame          |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |    ETA
   455/455   (100%)|    0:05/    0:05|    0:06/    0:06|   2.1595x|    0:00
 32 [%.9]*
128 [ 4%]*****
160 [ 8%]*********
192 [12%]*************
224 [13%]*************
256 [14%]***************
320 [48%]**************************************************
average: 260.4 kbps

>also: isn't that "-35" not extremely harsh on the athlower?

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by this.

Anyway, I would like to get to the bottom of this issue, perhaps someone can shed some 
light on this?


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