Hello Gargos,

Friday, October 06, 2000, 2:13:24 AM, you wrote:

GC>  Hello,

GC> Roel, maybe you should give these settings a try on that track:

GC> -V1 -mj -b128 -q2 -d -k --nspsytune --athlower -35 -X3

GC> The bitrate stays pretty low (~224kbps) and it sounds very good...
GC> almost identical to the original.  These are the only settings I
GC> could find that produce a smaller file than using 256kbps that
GC> still sounds good (actually it sorta sounds a bit better.. seems
GC> the noise is less harsh than that generated by 256kbps).

It sounds much better on fatboy than the other options.

GC> I'd like to hear your thoughts on these settings.

I think it's possibly only usable on this fatboy example.  On velvet
it sounds really poor and the bitrate is much too high:

 32 [%.9]*
128 [ 4%]*****
160 [ 8%]*********
192 [13%]**************
224 [14%]****************
256 [15%]*****************
320 [46%]**************************************************
average: 257.9 kbps

also: isn't that "-35" not extremely harsh on the athlower?

Best regards,
 Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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