On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:23:20 +0200 (CEST), Alexander Leidinger

>On 10 Okt, Brent Geery wrote:
>> Who is "forcing" anyone to do anything?  I have posted a feature
>> request; and so far, am only getting fanboy flack.  I have received
>> private emails from *programmers* (not fanboys) expressing their
>> interest in implementing the feature.  From their input, I'm told it
>> will take under a dozen lines of code to implement.  However, they
>> want to wait for the alpha to go beta.
>They should get a recent alpha (there's really no need to wait for the
>beta version in this case), implement the feature and send the patch
>("diff -u old_ver new_ver" on an unix, or WinDiff (I think I've seen it
>on the W2K CD) on Windows), I will commit it. We already have the
>--scale feature and you feature request is just a little bit more
>control what this feature does, so I didn't see why we shouldn't add it

Ok, I'll let them know they won't be spinning their wheels.

>>>   This message goes also to the person requesting better
>>>documentation; maybe its time to find the answers for himself,
>>>make a patch to update the documentation and submit the
>> Yeah, that's just what we want: the blind leading the blind.  Part of
>> programming is documenting your code.  Ever try reading another's
>> code, and figure out what it does!?  :)
>You can't compare writting code documentation with writting user

Opps!  Your right, I confused the two.

BRENT - The Usenet typo king. :)

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