For those of us with chronic respiratory illness, ANY smoke in the room is
more than we can tolerate. It excludes us from many events, especially those
held in bars. I've been to the Monte Carlo and to even wait at the check-in
podium, one is standing side by side with bar drinkers/smokers and it makes
the wait intolerable. To keep from becoming quite sick, the reservationist
must either be there right away to take us into the nonsmoking room, or I
must duck outside and try to keep an eye on when he/she returns to the desk.

The Monte Carlo may be among the smokiest places I've ever been in.

But don't let my severe, chronic, (eventually) terminal illness prevent you
all from have a great time without me. I can take the rejection. I can live
without socializing, if needs be. Go ahead. Have a ball. (sniffle)

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who, in times of
moral crisis, remain neutral" --Dante

> From: "richard carney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 08:41:25 -0600
> Subject: [Mpls] Burnt Animals, the Monte, etc.
> A get together is not a dinner party, so I am assuming the burnt animal
> reference was made tounge (with a swatch of chopped liver) in (Walleye) cheek.
> The Monte's back room is adjacent to the "smoking" section. I dine in the
> Monte's smoking section always, even though I do not smoke, and it is never an
> issue for me. The smoking section is the older (and much cooler) part of the
> restaurant, and attracks most of the patrons, so usually only a little smoking
> is taking place at any given time. Also, the ceilings are very high which
> helps disperse said smoke.
> Smoke? Some.
> The Viking kind of smoke? No.
> richard carney
> st. paul (with a lovely view of d-town MPLS)
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