All this discussion of neighborhood names reminds me that in true 
Minneapolis fashion we do things different here.

As we all know most of our neighborhoods are named after a school and/or 
park located in the middle of the neighborhood.  This is different from the 
traditional neighborhood organization model which centers around (and is 
name by)the major thoroughfare through the neighborhood or a major 
transportation intersection.  (Think Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. or any 
numerous NY neighborhoods named after streets).  In Minneapolis, the 
thoroughfares, for the most part, define the borders of our neighborhoods, 
not the centers. 

Why does this matter?  With NRP there has been a lot of neighborhood 
planning over the past 10 years but due to the fact that the major streets 
have been in two or more neighborhoods, I would contend that there have been 
lost opportunities on the planning of these thoroughfares and intersections. 
(I'm not saying there hasn't been any sucesses, just that there could have 
been more, and the sucesses may not have needed to be so hard fought).  For 
example the intersection of 54th and Lyndale Avenue south is governed by 4 
neighborhood organizations, each with different commercial and residential 
make-ups in the rest of their respective neighborhoods. It's difficult to 
get the 4 neighborhoods to have the same goals for that intersection. 

Given the fact that our best way to provide for additional affordable 
housing is on the major thoroughfares, our current neighborhood 
organizational structure will continue to make it difficult to come to 
consensus on how we best approach planning and redevelopment of these 
corridors for affordable housing and for economic revitalization. 

Now of course I'm not advocating a wholesale change of our neighborhood 
boundaries, but I think we may have to see more inter-neighborhood planning 
processes, much like the South Lyndale effort, in order to plan for the 
future our major thoroughfares. 

Dean E. Carlson
East Harriet, still Ward 10
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