Title: 3rd Ward Primary- Political Postmortem (Street Price=
        Dennis, sit down, relax, take deep breaths, and please turn off the bold text...

but even if Northside turnout had equaled Northeast's Don
>still would have run second, though by smaller margin.
Not that it matters, but in fact, had voter turn-out in North equaled the turn-out for the NE, Don would have actually beaten Olin by a few votes and taken 1st in the primary (692-671).

        To simulate the effect the Northeast's 19.39% turnout would have had if the Northside had the same 19.39% turnout instead of it's dismal 9%, multiply each candidate's vote totals by the ratio of 9% to 19.39%= 2.15 or 215%. This calculation gives Olin Moore 254 votes from the Northside + 413 from the Northeast =667 votes. Don Samuels would have still come in 2nd but by a smaller margin with 148 Northeast +462 Northside =610 votes. Keep in mind that these projections are based on the turnout/number of registered voters in the Northside. These registered voter numbers are based on the number of voters who registered in the past several years elections- many of these folks are still registered from the high turnout 2000 presidential election and given the high transience of the Northside 3rd ward many have moved outside it's boundaries. Given this higher degree of registered voter migration the Northside's turnout may not have been so bad.

        These numbers assume that both Olin and Don have equal untapped voter bases available on the Northside. Given the incredible use Don Samuels' campaign made of absentee votes (nearly half of his total) Don may have already turned out most of his voters in the primary. Thusly the larger turnout expected in the general election may not help Don. and more likely will expand Olin's margin of victory.

>> What is amazing here is how a virtual political unknown, Olin
>Moore, has finished ahead of media darling Don Samuels. It is a
>compliment to the voters of the 3rd that they saw past the
>considerable media canonization Don has received and mostly
>preferred Olin Moore.

        Thanks for the emphasis Dennis- I totally agree!

Whereas, 75% of the votes cast were NOT for Olin, I think most voters in the 3rd would probably take exception to this statement.

        The last mayoral primary had similar results, in fact the gap between R.T. and Sharon may have been a bit narrower. Although Sharon looked to be competitive, most of her support was in low turn out precincts and she lost by about a 30% margin.

This is Olin Moore's race to lose. Most of Margo Ashmore's support
>will go to Olin.


A very interesting theory.  When speaking with Margo's supporters over the last few weeks, i remember a recurring theme - that if Margo weren't running, they'd vote for Don. 
        Much of Margo's support was the Northeast traditional white ethnic union DFL base. Don Samuel's union bashing will drive these folks straight to Olin. Sadly, the race cards are definately in play here- There are some voters who won't vote for Don because he's black, and some who will vote for him because he's black.

Don may suffer from
>increased media scrutiny now that he has survived the primary-

Oddly enough I hope this happens Dyna.  Everytime Don comes under media scrutiny more and more voters in the 3rd make a choice for Don.  A good analogy would be a small seismic tremor out in the middle of the ocean hardly causes a ripple in the water - at first.  On its travels towards landfall the small ripple gains energy and momentum.  Upon arrival at landfall, the small ripple becomes a tidal wave.  Where has all this energy come from?  From the voters in the 3rd, finally connecting with an authentic community voice. 

        There is good media and bad media...

        As far as hydrodynamics go, I suspect the kind we see on the Mississippi makes for better analogies. Think of Don Samuels' campaign as a little canoe that been playfully drifting downriver in the current. The current is the media, and Don's campaign has been enjoying it so much they've forgotten all about navigation. They just passed Basset's Creek...

        still awaiting an accounting for the printing costs, etc.,

                Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne

 Dennis Plante
> Let the serious campaigning begin!
> Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne
>>P1 210/992 = 21.17% Olin = 71, Don = 18
>>P2 335/1589 = 21.08% Olin = 101, Don = 20
>>P3 270/1872 = 14.42% Olin = 58, Don = 24
>>P4 295/1655 = 17.82% Olin = 97, Don = 26
>>P5 263/1202 = 21.88% Olin = 59, Don = 37
>>P6 103/303 = 33.99% Olin = 27, Don = 23
>>Northeast precincts 1476/7613 = 19.39% Olin = 413, Don = 148
>>P7 142/1936 = 7.33% Olin = 38, Don = 43
>>P8 157/1347 = 11.66% Olin = 22, Don = 91
>>P9 171/1788 = 9.56% Olin = 36, Don = 51
>>P10 115/1432 = 8.03% Olin = 22, Don = 30
>>Northside precincts 585/6503 = 9.00% Olin = 118, Don = 215
>>Overall turnout 2061/14116 = 14.60% Olin = 531, Don = 363
>>Shane = 202, Margo = 295, Valdis = 299, Trish Shilling = 107
>>Fred Markus, Horn Terrace, Ward Ten, in the Lyndale Neighborhood
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